Alexandra Bîja
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
This paper addresses a critical aspect often overlooked in Korean language education, that is the teaching of “impolite” language. While traditional language instruction predominantly focuses on polite and formal expressions, this study advocates for the inclusion of impolite language to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of Korean communication. We try to highlight the nuanced nature of Korean language and its cultural implications. The paper argues that an exclusive emphasis on polite language restricts learners’ communicative competence, hindering their ability to comprehend and navigate real-world interactions effectively. By incorporating impolite language into the curriculum, educators can equip learners with the necessary linguistic tools to navigate diverse social contexts. This study extends its implications beyond linguistic proficiency, emphasising the role of impolite language in deciphering social hierarchies and fostering a nuanced understanding of interpersonal relationships in Korean society, as Korean is a language with a highly sophisticated system of deference that is used to mark social status, roles, relationships, affective and epistemic stances within a conversation.
Keywords: Korean language education; Impolite language; Communicative competence; Cultural competence; Language curriculum; Intercultural communication.
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How to cite this article: Bîja, A. (2024). Exploring the pedagogical significance of teaching impolite language in Korean language education. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 17(1), 31-46. doi: https://doi.org/10.29302/jolie.2024.17.1.3
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