JoLIE 1/2008


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AnalySing European Communicative Strategies:

An Intercultural Project



Joachim Grzega

University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany






The euro-pragmatic project ECSTRA (European Communicative Strategies) aims at comparing different communicative strategies in order to find out where different European nations are similar and where they differ. The goal is to collect components for a European “language guide”, with respect to a number of communicative situations that would allow readers to see contrasts and similarities between Europeans. Beside common data-eliciting methods, new methods are presented as well. The paper substantiates the project and the methods in more detail and presents results of the first studies.


Key words: cross-cultural pragmatics – cross-cultural speech-act analysis – intercultural communication – euro-pragmatics – data-eliciting methods





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How to cite this article: Grzega, J. (2008). Analyzing European communicative strategies: an intercultural project. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 1, 133-146. DOI:  



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