JoLIE 2:1 (2009)

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Kerstin Paul

University of Potsdam, Germany


Ulrike Freywald


University of Potsdam, Germany


Eva Wittenberg

University of Potsdam, Germany






This article presents linguistic features of and educational approaches to a new variety of German that has emerged in multi-ethnic urban areas in Germany: Kiezdeutsch (‘Hood German’). From a linguistic point of view, Kiezdeutsch is very interesting, as it is a multi-ethnolect that combines features of a youth language with those of a contact language. We will present examples that illustrate the grammatical productivity and innovative potential of this variety. From an educational perspective, Kiezdeutsch has also a high potential in many respects: school projects can help enrich intercultural communication and weaken derogatory attitudes. In grammar lessons, Kiezdeutsch can be a means to enhance linguistic competence by having the adolescents analyse their own language.[1]


Keywords: German; Kiezdeutsch; Multi-ethnolect; Migrants’ language; Language change; Educational proposals.



Editor’s note:

This article is an updated version of the authors’ contribution to the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education – CLIE-2008, Popescu, T., Pioariu, R. and Chira, R. (Eds.). Alba Iulia: Aeternitas, pp. 663-682 (with permission).





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How to cite this articlePaul, K., Freywald, U., & Wittenberg, E. (2009). "Kiezdeutsch Goes School" - A multi-ethnic variety of German from an educational perspectiveJournal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE, 2(1), 91114. DOI:



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[1] Our research was partly supported by funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) awarded to the Collaborative Research Center Information Structure of Potsdam University and Humboldt-University Berlin, project B6 Kiezdeutsch (PI: Heike Wiese). We would like to thank Heike Wiese and Horst Simon for help and useful comments – as well as the students and teachers with whom we worked.