JoLIE 2:2/2009


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PÉDAGOGIE ET HUMOUR : Le rire comme moyen de construction d’un public attentif d’une salle de classe



Christine Escallier

University of Madeira, Portugal






Laughter is a phenomenon which achieves a conversion of the negative cline. By the effect “mirror”, humour thus acts on patterns of behaviour. In a more and more anxiogenic society (i.e. anxiety producing), laughter has become a means of reducing its tensions. Can the resource to the pedagogy of humour then be one of the possible solutions to the unrest which too often reigns in a classroom? Can the teacher fight tiredness, indiscipline, even violence, anti-didactic responses and at the same time transmit knowledge while using irony and jokes? 

Starting from a reflexion on both social and cultural laughter, this article aims at analysing the pedagogic dimension of humour in a paradoxical study context where humour and seriousness, flexibility and firmness, presence and distance will be together.


Key words: Pedagogy; Humour; Classroom; Teaching laughter; Cultural laughter.





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How to cite this article: Escallier, C. (2009). Pédagogie et Humour: Le Rire Comme Moyen de Construction d’un Public Attentif d’une Salle de Classe. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 2(2), 105-114. DOI:



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