JoLIE 3/2010
Le multimÉdia dans l'enseignement des langues ÉtrangÈres - une expÉrience pÉdagogique
Mariana Pitar
University of the West, Timişoara, Romania
The current progress of information technology, the more and more frequent use of new technologies in all domains of activity, the fact that the computer is part of pupil’s everyday life, has determined us to introduce a multimedia course in the training curriculum for future teachers of French. This course has as objective to make the students aware of all the multimedia materials available on the internet and all the possibilities of using them within the French lessons.
In our paper, we will present the objectives and the contents of this course, as well as the results of this didactical experience. This course has been organised in three unequal parts:
a) teaching students how to use the technical means, especially the computer, with the principles and modalities of browsing the internet (if necessary);
b) knowing the most important sites from a technical and methodological point of view, as well as those regarding multimedia elements;
c) students’ creating of a sample lesson based only on the exercises and materials found on the internet, which is the most consistent part of this activity.
The explored sites are divided, according to the addresses, into two types: sites for training teachers and sites which contain materials (exercises, games, songs, authentic video documents, etc.) that can be used during the French lessons. All these activities are associated with brainstorming and discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of such lessons and about the role of the teacher during these lessons, given the fact that the multimedia exercises available on the internet are interactive and very frequently overtake the teacher’s role when it comes to feedback in pupils’ learning process.
Key words: Multimedia exercises; Web resources; Foreign language teaching methodology.
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Sites web (sélection)
Portails pour les professeurs et les élèves :
Sites pour l’exploitation des chansons, des poésies, des vidéos :
Reconstitution de textes littéraires :
Conjugueurs :
Tutoriels :
Sources des images :
Sources des images
Fig. 1: Languageguide. La maison :
Fig 2: LexiqueFle. La maison;
Fig 3 : Estudio de frances. Vocabulaire et jeux;
Fig 4: DEECD :
Fig 5 : Lexique vidéo et audio sur Internet
Fig 6: Polarfle;
Fig 7: Lexique FLE: la famille ;
Fig 8: BBC:French Language;
Fig 9: La maison et l’appartement
How to cite this article: Pitar, M. (2010). Le multimédia dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères - Une expérience pédagogique. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 3, 147-162. DOI:
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