JoLIE 4/2011
(PORT. - ENG.)
Alcina Sousa
University of Madeira, Portugal
This paper aims at analysing the way writers/translators and illustrators in simplified versions, in Portuguese and English, of Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio, skilfully resort both to linguistic / stylistic choices and to non-verbal language to disambiguate deictic references (namely ‘here’ / ‘there’, ‘now’, ‘this’ / ‘that’), otherwise beyond young readers’ grasp. A multi-layered interpretive framework, drawing on discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, and a corpus-based approach (Carter 1994:5), contributes to an understanding of the dynamic intersemiotic dialogue in multimodal simplified stories. These challenge the children with different but sequenced perspectives, facilitating their comprehension of space and time references, thereby fostering visual literacy, language acquisition and reading literacy in the process of meaning-making.
Key words: Deixis; Simplified children’s stories; Multimodal texts; Encoding strategies; Intersemiotic dialogue.
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How to cite this article: Sousa, A. (2011). Deictic references in simplified illustrated versions of The adventures of Pinocchio (Port.-Eng.). Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 4, 181–204. DOI:
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