JoLIE 4/2011

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Aneta Trivić

University of Kragujevac, Serbia






This article belongs to the linguistic field of contrastive phraseology. We intend to analyse the semantic equivalence between phraseological units (PhUs) which contain the lexeme heart in its structures in Spanish and Serbian. In the first part of the work we concentrate on the theoretical background of phraseology, more specifically on contrastive phraseology. Afterwards we conduct a precise terminological classification of PhUs and locutions, or idiomatic expressions according to Corpas Pastor (1996), which are the object of our investigation, being the typical representatives of PhUs characteristic for modern language forms. In the central part of our investigation, after establishing a set of criteria, we perform a contrastive analysis of these PhUs. Our corpus is based on representative monolingual dictionaries in both languages: Seco (2005): Diccionario fraseológico documentado del español actual: locuciones y modismos españoles, RAE (1997): Diccionario de la lengua española, RMS (2007): Rečnik srpskohrvatskoga književnog jezika, Matešić (1982): Frazeološki riječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika. In an applicatory phase we search lexical and semantic correspondences among PhUs between these two languages by methods of contrasting and by translating. We establish four degrees of equivalence: equivalent PhUs, analogous PhUs, PhUs without equivalent, pseudo-equivalent PhUs. Consequently we present our results showing that the number of coincidences at this specific phraseological level is surprisingly high, having in mind that Spanish and Serbian belong to different language families. We conclude by emphasising the importance of contrastive phraseology for translation as well as for foreign language teaching.


Key words: Contrastive phraseology; Translation equivalent; Idiomatic expression; Spanish; Serbian.





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How to cite this articleTrivić, A. (2011). Equivalencias traductológicas de ciertas locuciones del español y del serbio contemporáneoJournal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 4, 219238. DOI:



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