Alina Bugheşiu
North University of Baia Mare, Romania
In the context of globalisation and of the technological shifts that have shaped the current image we have of the world, the way people relate to one another has suffered fundamental mutations. Speed, efficiency, and affectivity are the new values that define our social, political, economic, religious, educational, and psychological universe, whilst also determining how language is perceived, created, and used in certain communicative contexts, how it is managed by a society faced with the loosening of political borders, how it influences the contact between people coming from backgrounds that may be different from various points of view. To illustrate this, especially from a socio- and psycholinguistic perspective, the present study deals with the issue of shop names as cultural mediators, as denomination sequences that reflect the changes occurring within the Romanian language and culture, as a result of the contact with the English language and culture.
Key words: Shop names; Globalisation; Sociolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Cultural mediators.
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How to cite this article: Bugheşiu, A. (2011). Shop names as cultural mediators. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 4, 37–50. DOI:
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