JoLIE 4/2011

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Jelena Maksimović

University of Kragujevac, Serbia






The aim of the paper is to show different types of adaptation and translation of computer terms in Slovenian and Serbian, two related languages with a quite different language policy in terms of acceptance of the terms borrowed from foreign languages. The analysis of potential problems in the translation of professional literature is based on the examples excerpted during the translation from Slovenian into Serbian, supplemented by examples collected from online dictionaries of computer terms. The list of the collected data was checked by Serbian programmers employed by a Slovenian company by filling out a written questionnaire. The questionnaire also contains six questions that investigate the programmers’ attitudes about the translation of computer terms from English into their mother tongue. The translator of these texts, as a cultural mediator, through the contrastive linguistic analysis of computer terms, intends to show that this component of the lexical system is more stabilised, standardised and uniform in one language than the other and that this lexis becomes a part of the linguistic repertoire of our everyday lives in our nowadays globalised and technologised societies, so that it has some stake in the stability of the language system.


Key words: Translation; Comparative analysis; Computer terms; Anglicisms; Language contact; Standardisation.





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How to cite this articleMaksimović, J. (2011). Computer jargon in Slovenian and Serbian languagesJournal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 4, 7788. DOI:



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[1] This paper was written within the scientific project no. 178014, The dynamics structure of the modern Serbian language, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia.