JoLIE 4/2011
Valeria Maria Pioraş
1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania
Self-translation represents a specific area of translation studies pertaining to bilingual writers originating from countries with languages less used internationally, who left their country and mother tongue and to writers trying to become known in a foreign country and writing in a foreign language which they know equally well as their mother tongue. This paper is the outcome of a twofold research: theoretical – considerations on theoretical translation studies, and practical – interpretation of theoretical data.
The corpus of works explored in our paper belongs to bilingual French - Romanian writers such as Miron Kiropol, Ilie Constantin, Virgil Tanase who self-translated their works into French. All those above-mentioned Romanian diaspora writers integrated perfectly into the French literary environment. All of them had to adopt the new language to become known by French readers and all of them have in common the fact that their mother tongue became their second language. They therefore found themselves in a situation of extraterritorial bilingualism in which they granted French an important status, without giving up their mother tongue. On analysing all these elements and their relation with allographic translation, the author came up with a set of conclusions which render the weak and strong points of self-translation.
Key words: Self-translation; Mother tongue; Official language.
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How to cite this article: Pioraş, V. M. (2011). L’auto-traduction chez des écrivains bilingues franco – roumains contemporains. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 4, 101–110. DOI:
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