JoLIE 5/2012

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Étude coMPARAtive : français ~ roumain ~ anglais

Identités, similitudes, différences morphosyntaxiques, sémantiques, pragmatiques et de traduction

Étude de cas: The Multifaceted Emerald Coast by Elizabeth Thrush



Aura Cibian

1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania






We are living in an age of changes and international contacts that develop at many levels, a time when researchers, teachers and students travel more and more and internships intensify. Foreign languages acquisition becomes vital in these circumstances, especially for those who are aware of the importance of direct contacts. English language keeps its privileged place as international language preferred in international exchanges. Therefore, nowadays European linguistic politics direct one’s attention to the most commonly used principles, such as: the importance of giving respect to each nation, its traditional and social values, its language(s). In this context, European people are not simply citizens of their own countries, but   speakers of their national language(s) willing to express their identity through it. Concepts as multilingualism and plurilingual education reflect different linguistic contexts offering to speakers several kinds of self-expression. When communicating, speakers usually rely on what they have in common, but they also enjoy sharing new points of view, and, at an intercultural linguistic level, the attention paid to roots and relations between languages offers a generous field to research studies.

Considering these ideas, we are using in this paper a comparative approach meant to underline identities, similarities and contrasts between French,  Romanian and English, from a morphological, syntactical, semantic, pragmatic  perspective. We also offer examples of correspondences in translation and a case study of an English - French equivalence: The Multifaceted Emerald Coast by Elizabeth Thrush.


Key words: Plurilingual education; Multilingualism; Comparative approach; French – Romanian – English parallels; Case study.





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How to cite this article: Cibian, A. (2012). Étude comparative : français ~ roumain ~ anglais. Identités, similitudes, différences morphosyntaxiques, sémantiques, pragmatiques et de traduction. Étude de cas: The Multifaceted Emerald Coast by Elizabeth Thrush. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 5, 25-44. DOI:



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