JoLIE 5/2012

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Niculae Cristea

The Ministry of National Education, Romania






The aim of this paper is to address the issue of intercultural education and teacher training programmes in Romania, and the need for the introduction of intercultural elements into primary and secondary education. An overview of the definitions and concepts of culture and interculturality is initially made to grasp a better insight into the background of intercultural education. Further on we outline the philosophy of designing teacher education programmes in accordance with the principles and fundamentals of intercultural education. Last but not least, a possible syllabus contents, as well as training activities are suggested. In conclusion, there is a real need to introduce intercultural education courses within the pre-service and in-service teacher education curriculum.


Key words: Intercultural education; Pre/in-service teacher education curriculum; Teacher training programmes.





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How to cite this article: Cristea, N. (2012). The operationalisation of intercultural education contents in initial and continuous teacher education programmes in Romania. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 5, 59-66. DOI:  



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