JoLIE 6/2013

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António V. Bento

University of Madeira, Portugal






The Portuguese community schools of the United States located in the areas of larger Portuguese population concentration are social organizations that come materializing throughout decades the designs of the educative policies of the Portuguese government in relation to the expansion and preservation of the language, the culture and the history of Portugal. These designs of the educative policies are enrolled in the Constitution of the Republic (1976), in the Basic Law of Educative System (1986) and, over all, in the successive legislative norms (Decree-laws and ordinances) of the successive governments. Portuguese community schools in the United States are structuralized in analogous way to schools of the Portuguese geographic space. 

For this qualitative study (multiple case), four directors of Portuguese schools of the East Coast of the United States were interviewed; two schools are in the state of Rhode Island and the other two are in the state of Massachusetts. Also, it was administered the questionnaire on practices of leadership "Leadership Practices Inventory” (LPI) of Kouzes and Posner (1998) to collect additional data about practices of leadership on the directors of the schools. The LPI evaluates practices of leadership classifying them in five domains: a) Model the way; b) Inspire a shared vision; c) Challenge the process; d) Enable others to act; and, e) Encourage the heart.

Results of this qualitative research indicate that the Portuguese Government has not had an educative policy stimulant, coherent and consistent of support, incentive, maintenance and diffusion of the Portuguese language and culture and the directors of the studied schools have a proactive and serving leadership style in conducting the management of Portuguese community schools. The five practices of leadership are highly practiced by the directors of the studied schools above all the practices “Enable others to act” andEncourage the heart”.


Keywords: Leadership; Portuguese Community Schools; Practices of leadership; Language and culture identity.




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How to cite this article: Bento, A. V. (2013). The leadership of the Portuguese Community Schools of the East Coast of the United States and cultural identity: A multiple case study. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 6, 7788. DOI:



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