JoLIE 7/2014

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Teodora Popescu

University of Alba Iulia, Romania






The aim of this paper is to identify the future English language teachers’ perceptions regarding classroom management strategies and techniques, after completion of their English language Practicum in primary and secondary schools. The questionnaire administered among 41 students of Romanian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature and French Language and Literature – English Language and Literature third year senior students (at the end of the second semester, before their finals) was based on the specialist literature in the field of classroom management. It was meant to assess teacher trainees’ opinions and attitudes towards classroom management strategies and techniques as perceived through the lenses of the beginning teacher, with little teaching experience. The questionnaire consisted of 12 closed-ended questions structured along three main directions: classroom space and time arrangement, student behaviour and instructional strategies. Students could also provide comments related to the questions, if they needed to clarify their opinions. The results were assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively, and conclusions and recommendations based on the findings were formulated at the end of the present study.


Key words: English teacher trainees; Classroom management; Time and classroom space; Student behaviour; Instructional strategies; Romanian teacher education.





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How to cite this article: Popescu, T. (2014). Classroom management strategies and techniques: A perspective of English teacher trainees. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 7, 143-160. DOI:



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