JoLIE 7/2014

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Margarida Pocinho, Alcina Sousa, Renato Gil Carvalho

University of Madeira, Portugal






This paper aims at analysing the results of the implementation of a Writing Strategies Program in 2007-2008, designed by a group of teachers of Portuguese as mother tongue, selected by the Regional Board of Education in Madeira (Portugal) in 2006-2007. The case study involved 210 ninth formers attending four state schools in Madeira (two in Funchal city and other two in two other urban areas). For reliability and consistency issues, the informants belonging to the experimental group (n = 110) were pointed previously by their school course leaders as having difficulties with writing skills in their mother tongue (i.e., lexis, syntax, text type and organization of ideas). The informants belonging to the control group (n = 99) were also indicated by the same course leaders. The implementation of the Programme was assessed taking into account the following criteria: 1) writing; and 2) school achievement. Among the writing strategies underpinning the design of this program stand out conceptual maps, syntax and text structure in different discursive practices (summaries, letters, essays), following the scheme PWR (Planning, Writing, Revising). In the end, the experimental group improved significantly when compared to the control group. This indicates that the Program can bring benefits to improving writing particularly among 9th formers speaking Portuguese as mother tongue with writing difficulties.


Key words: Writing difficulties; Mother tongue; 9th formers; Writing strategies; School achievement.





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How to cite this article: Pocinho, M., Sousa, A., & Carvalho, R. G. (2014). Learning to write and get school success: A quasi-experimental study among 9th formers. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 7, 119-142. DOI:



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