JoLIE 8/2015

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Azamat Akbarov

International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Mahira Hadžimehmedagić

International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina






College success is important to students because it proves that they are coping with the expectations to achieve desired learning goals and the goals related to their entire future life. According to all the above-mentioned aspects, this paper intends to demonstrate the importance of different personal factors such as self-valuation and self-esteem influencing students’ college success. Our findings revealed that the role of the university in improving students’ success is of great relevance, since the major factors of college success are of a personal and psychological nature and closely related to student and university. Therefore, universities should make efforts to set high standards and expectations and subsequently to support and hold students accountable for achieving them.


Key words: University success; Psychological Personal Factors; Learning strategies.





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How to cite this article: Akbarov, A., & Hadžimehmedagić, M. (2015). The influence of personal factors on students’ college success. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 8, 720. DOI:



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