JoLIE 8/2015

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Marlena Iwona Bielak

Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła, Poland






The paper describes selected aspects of the communicative identity of the closed public space of the Polish high school. Accordingly, the work demonstrates an overview of the understanding of the concept of space which is presented from the philosophical, mathematical, sociological and utilitarian perspective and portrayed as a communicative environment. The research part presents the analysis of selected communicative processes occurring in the space of high school classrooms and corridors. The research results point to the relevance of the communicative profile of classrooms and corridors for the process of teaching and learning, i.e. they demonstrate how communicative processes occurring in the space of the Polish high school influence the formation of a successful communicator during lessons. Since English language teaching and learning constitutes a field oriented towards evolving students’ communicative skills, the implications of the research results for English language pedagogy are considerable. It is postulated that the process of English language teaching and learning addressed to groups of multicultural students participating in the internationalisation of higher education, due to numerous cultural differences in navigating the closed public space of school, should be based on a curriculum suited to various communicative profiles of the public space of high schools functioning in different countries.  


Key words: Public space; Communicative processes in space; Navigation through public space; Polish high school; English language teaching and learning.





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How to cite this article: Bielak, M. I. (2015). The communicative face of breaks and classroom lessons in view of the multifariousness of communicative forms in the closed public space of school: The case of the Polish high school as a contribution to improving the process of internationalisation of higher education. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 8, 3558. DOI:



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[1] I owe a word of gratitude to Prof. S. Puppel whose comments have enabled me to clarify some theoretical issues of space navigation presented in the paper.