JoLIE 9:1/2016


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Mariana-Rodica Pioariu

1 Decembrie 1918 University, Alba Iulia, Romania






In this article we are trying to reveal some of the most important factors that favoured and supported the Romanian-American intercultural dialogue, before and after World War II, through cultural and literary journals, friendship societies, radio-shows, debates, translations, stage productions and other cultural exchanges.

As it is well-known, little by little the American culture managed to impose itself to the world and gain the prestige and appreciation it was entitled to. But its way to European recognition at the beginning of the 20th century was not at all easy. The process took a lot of time proving to be full of obstacles and ups and downs. What Europe seemed to fear most was mainly the “danger” of “cultural American imperialism” suspected to be brought about by the American huge economic and technological progress.

Such reactions were also felt in the interwar Romania, as an echo of the French state of mind, prevalent in the epoch, resulting from the great prestige French culture enjoyed in our country in those days. It revealed a superficial, unilateral perception of the American spirit and way of life due to the lack of direct communication and contacts. Nevertheless, such obstacles were overcome in time thanks to the endless effort of a number of Romanian intellectuals who managed to raise the Romanians’ awareness of what America really was and of the value of its cultural heritage.

According to the opinion of some reliable analysts of the Romanian-American cultural dialogue its foundations seemed to have been laid in the first years after the World War I. In the 30s and 40s and then in the 50s and 60s reciprocal cultural knowledge is increased by means of multiple cultural exchanges and systematic highly qualitative translations into Romanian of the major American literature masterpieces. They will reach their climax in the 70s and 80s.


Key words: Romanian–American intercultural dialogue; Mutual cultural exchanges; Friendship associations; Mutual knowledge; Translation campaigns.





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How to cite this article: Pioariu, M.R. (2016). Developments in the Romanian-American intercultural dialogue before and after the World War II. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 9(1), 77-88. DOI:



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