JoLIE 9:2/2016


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Abstract in English:






Artur Urbaniak

Center of Languages and Communication at Poznań Univeristy of Technology, Poland






For political actors, acquiring communicative competence should be perceived as a key factor for developing and making their political careers more dynamic in a multicultural, globalized world. In political communication, communicative competence is defined as the ability to employ both verbal and non-verbal elements in conformity with the situational context and the voters’ expectations. In the era of technology, the ability to communicate in a way that enables a politician to convey the message and reach the target audience is an essential element of each political campaign. In Poland, after the political, social and economic transformation that took place in 1989, the presidential and parliamentary elections became a real, fierce race between political leaders and parties. The growing importance of political marketing, the gradual professionalization of political actions and the development of new media led to the improvement of communicative competence in political actors. Numerous communication models and behaviors were either blindly copied or cleverly adapted from Western democracies. The politicians had to acquire fresh and untried communicative strategies in order to reach new audiences such as young, undecided voters who were traditionally inactive during political campaigns. At present, it has become a must to learn to utilize the power of social media, especially for those political communicators who are not supported or promoted by huge media concerns. The 20th century witnessed the evolution of the communication process and the revolution in the media. The profound changes in the way political actors reach their audiences lead to the question of the role of the traditional media (i.e. the press, radio and television) in the process of communication and the influence of the media on creating images of politicians in the voters’ heads. The Internet seems a real challenge for traditional broadcasters. An example of a politician who dared to challenge the mainstream traditional media in the U.S. was Jesse ‘the Body’ Ventura, the Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003. In Poland, Paweł Kukiz is a politician who took the third place in the presidential election in 2015, although he did not have significant support from the media concerns. Therefore, the question arises if Polish public sphere is ready for the advent of a new Jesse ‘the Body’ Ventura.


Key words: Communicative competences; Political communication; Political image.



Original title:


Kompetencje komunikacyjne:

Czy polska scena polityczna jest gotowa na swojego Jesse ‘the Body’ Venturę?





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How to cite this article: Urbaniak, A. (2016). Kompetencje komunikacyjne: czy polska scena polityczna jest gotowa na swojego Jesse ‘The Body’ Venturę?. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 9(2), 189-202. DOI:



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