JoLIE 9:2/2016
Viktoriia Gorbaneva
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, the Institute of Foreign Languages, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The main purpose of the article is to demonstrate that the challenges translators of poetry face are similar to those imposed by actual intercultural communication. Significantly, they are even more dramatic due to the fact that poetry is always a deliberate reflection of national cultural values. Poetic language is not only a tool and means of communication but also a special reflection of culture. On the one hand, it implements cultural values appealing to the majority of native speakers, on the other, it affects the cultural value system of readers and determines what is acceptable or unacceptable. A poetic text is analysed as a cultural phenomenon, a sign, where language is a form and meaning is a system of cultural values. All in all, the paper focuses on the emic approach to the interpretation of cultural values expressed in poetry, and the way they are reflected in translations. Highlight is given to the potential of poetry in developing empathy. The analysis of poetic works by R. Frost, W. Whitman and E. Dickinson and their Russian translations is presented.
Key words: Intercultural communicative competence; Language and culture; Cultural values; Poem; Translation; Empathy; Emic approach.
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How to cite this article: Gorbaneva, V. (2016). Building intercultural communicative competence through poetry translation. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 9(2), 41-52. DOI:
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