JoLIE 10:2/2017


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1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia






The present paper proposes an analysis of the figurative register centred on tropes, aiming to illustrate the artistic style adopted by Prince Dimitrie Cantemir in his early work, Divanul sau gâlceava înțeleptului cu lumea sau giudețul sufletului cu trupul, Iași, 1698. Cantemir’s idea of writing a book in Romanian, his native language, in spite of the fact that he was functioning as a diplomatic agent of the Iași Principality Court to the Sublime Ottoman State in Constantinople, emerges during the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars, after the Battle of Zenta between the Ottoman army and the army led by Prince Eugene of Savoy. The theme of the dispute between soul and body is largely used in the theological literature of the Medieval Age; Cantemir uses it and reframes it in a laic manner, composing a treatise of Christian morality for laymen. He builds his work on three fundamental metaphors: the unstable luck, the vanity of life and the correspondence between the big world (macro-cosmos) and the small world, meaning the man (micro-cosmos). These three main metaphors are dressed up in other metaphorical layers, created with the help of metonymy and synecdoche.


Key-words: Dimitrie Cantemir; Divanul; Metaphor; Metonymy; Synecdoche.





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Parpală, E. (2006). Introducere în stilistică. (3rd revised and annotated edition). Craiova: Editura Universitaria.


Ţarălungă, E. (1989). Dimitrie Cantemir. Contribuţii documentare la un portret. Bucureşti: Editura Minerva.


Corpus of analysed texts


Cantemir, D. (1878). Istori'a Imperiului Ottomanu. Crescerea și scaderea lui cu note fórte instructive de Demetriu Cantemiru, Principe de Moldavia. Partea II. Traducere romana de Dr. Iosif Hodosiu. București: Editiunea Societatei Academice Romane.


Cantemir, D. (1974). Opere complete, I, Divanul. Ediție îngrijită, studiu introductiv și comentarii de Virgil Cândea. Text grecesc de Maria Marinescu-Himu. București: Editura Academiei Române.


Cantemir, D. (2002). Demetrii Principis Cantemirii Incrementorum et decrementorum Aulae Othman[n]icae sive Aliothman[n]icae historiae a prima gentis origine ad nostra usque tempora deductae libri tres. Praefatus est Virgil Cândea. Critice edidit Dan Slușanschi. Timișoara: Editura Armacord.


Cantemir, D. (2007). The Salvation of the Wise Man and the Ruin of the Sinful World / Ṣalāḥ al-ḥakīm wa-fasād al-‘ālam al-damīm. Edited, translated, annotated, with editor’s note and indices by Ioana Feodorov. Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române.



How to cite this article: Ciortea, M. (2017). On tropes and the rhetoric of death in Divanul by Dimitrie Cantemir. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 10(2), 7-18. DOI:



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