JoLIE 13/2020
Diana Christine Zelter
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The aim of this paper is to analyse different approaches to business English teaching in order to find solutions to an existing situation: a course in specialised language for second year students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration which has to be finalised with the evaluation of the students’ linguistic competence according to CEFR. The question arising is how to combine different language teaching approaches such as CLT or TBLT and CLIL with CBI and CEFR? How to correlate the assessment of content with the assessment of linguistic competence? How to correlate linguistic levels with grades? We are trying to provide a few answers to these questions through a comprehensive literature review and personal assumptions based on teaching experience.
Keywords: Business English; Communicative approach; Specialised language; Linguistic competence.
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How to cite this article: Zelter, D.C. (2020). Current approaches and methods in teaching business English. Potential perspectives. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 13, 183-194. DOI:
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