JoLIE 13/2020
Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska
Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Poland
Western science and academia have entered the new millennium with the growing realisation that their theoretical and utilitarian limits have been reached. A particular threshold is experienced across traditional academic disciplines, which is visible in the fact that, on the one hand, the intensity of social, environmental, psychological, health-related and communicational problems people deal with in their everyday lives is increasing; on the other hand, theoretical models and intervention programs that scholarly work provides do not meet the growing necessity. Our paper presents a research project whose starting-point aims are to explore the doctor-patient communication dyad, its functions in the healing process, and to propose a theoretical as well as applicative way forward. In the plans for our research, we aim to study the integrative medical approach and the ways in which language and communication processes allow healing to happen and optimal health to be preserved.
Keywords: Doctor-patient communication dyad; Integrative medicine; Ecolinguistic aspects; Biosemiotics; Healing process; Self-healing; Holistic; New paradigm.
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How to cite this article: Bogusławska-Tafelska, M. (2020). New narration in practicing western integrative medicine: Linguistic, ecolinguistic, and biosemiotic aspects. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 13, 45-61. DOI:
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