JoLIE 13/2020


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Mario Brdar

University of Osijek, Croatia

Rita Brdar-Szabó

ELTE, Budapest, Hungary

Danyang Kou

Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary






The present article deals with selected property resultative constructions. They are first compared in a variety of languages in general and then in the specialised genre of cooking recipes. Unlike in English, resultatives realised as adjective phrases are either not available or very rare in some languages studied in this article (Croatian, Russian, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian), where they are most frequently replaced by prepositional phrases or some clausal structures. However, it turns out on closer inspection that adjective phrases are not only used infrequently in the specialised genre of cooking recipes in those languages that do not favour this type of resultative phrases in general, but also in English, which is surprising. We claim that the unexpected asymmetry in the formal realisation of selected property resultatives (i.e., the absence of AP resultatives in cooking recipes in English) can be motivated if we consider this phenomenon against the background of the embodiment of human language in the broadest sense of the concept.


Keywords: Resultative construction; Family of constructions: Embodiment; Cooking recipes; Cross-linguistic comparison.





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How to cite this article: Brdar, M., Brdar-Szabo, R., & Kou, D. (2020). Resultative constructions in cooking recipes in English and elsewhere: Similarities and differences across languages and cultures. Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education – JoLIE, 13, 63-86. DOI:



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[1] The first two authors were financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI), and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) of the European Union project no. FFI2017-82730-P (Description and explanation of figuration in and across languages: the development of a cross-linguistic analytical database) and project no. PGC2018-101214-B-I00 (Researching conceptual metonymy in selected areas of grammar, discourse and sign language with the aid of the University of Córdoba Metonymy Database) (METGRADISL&BASE).