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The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE
JoLIE 6/ 2013





Camelia ALINTE                    

Teaching Grammar through Music .............................................................................................p.7


Maria Elisete ALMEIDA         

O Funcionamento da Diáfora na Versão Portuguesa de Pinocchio de Carlo Collodi ……...........................p.29


Nicoleta-Petronela APOSTOL

King Henry VIII and His Life Story: Jigsaw Reading ....................................................................................p.43


Gabriel BĂRBULEȚ                

Teaching English vocabulary through ICT’s .................................................................................................p.59


António V. BENTO                 

The Leadership of the Portuguese Community Schools of the East Coast of the United States and Cultural Identity: A Multiple Case Study ……..............p.77


Veronica DUR                        

Modern Communicative Methods of Teaching English Grammar to Intermediate Level Students .................p.89


Carmen IGNAT                      

Effective Strategies for Homework Correction in EFL Classes .......................................................................p.107



Teacher Trainees’ Preconceptions of Intercultural Education in the Romanian Educational Landscape ..........p.117


Teodora POPESCU                

Improving Business Students’ Presentation Skills ..........................................................................................p.127


Mário Alberto SANTOS, Maria da Glória FRANCO, Natalie SANTOS and Elisabete SILVA

O Programa de Outdoor Training KidsTalentum no Desenvolvimento das Competências Sociais e Emocionais nas Crianças do 1.º Ciclo .....................p.137




Attapol KHAMKHIEN             

Michael Hoey, Lexical Priming: a new theory of words and language. Stroud, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2005. Pp. Xiii + 202. ISBN 0-415-32863-2.............................................................................................................p.153


NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS……………………………….…………......................................................….p.159


EDITORIAL PROCEDURE………………………………………..........................................................….…..p.165