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The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE
JoLIE 4/ 2011





Maria Elisete ALMEIDA                          

Approche contrastive du système verbal en français et en portugais à travers Le Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry et sa traduction portugaise …………………….........................................p.7


David BRETT                                           

Developments in the use of mobile devices for second and foreign language learning.................p.23


Alina BUGHEŞIU                                     

Shop names as cultural mediators…..…………………………………………………..............p.37


Ioana Irina DURDUREANU                     

Translation of cultural terms: possible or impossible?………………………...........….p.51


Cornelia Maria LEU                                 

Emotions as dynamic cultural phenomena………………………………………...................p.65


Jelena MAKSIMOVIĆ                              

Computer jargon in Slovenian and Serbian languages..................................p.77


Iulia Daniela NEGRU                              

Drafting contracts: A case study of Italian use of legal English ……………………....…...p.89


Valeria PIORAŞ                                      

L’auto-traduction chez des écrivains bilingues franco – roumains contemporains...............p.101



Investigating the possibility of ideological effects and discourse shifts in translation: a critical discourse analysis……….p.111


Vera SAVIC and Ilijana ČUTURA          

Translation as cultural transposition……………………………………………..................……....…p.125


Orges SELMANI                                   

When American culture floats adrift: A case study of two versions of Brown’s The Da Vinci Code ...p.151


Mirna SINDIČIĆ SABLJO                     

Beckett’s bilingualism, self-translation and the translation of his texts into the Croatian language …p.163


Alcina SOUSA                                      

Deictic references in simplified illustrated versions of The adventures of Pinocchio (Port.-Eng.) ...p. 181


Jerry Istvan THEKES                           

Presentation of language games that engage learners in the TEFL classroom.…...…............p.205


Aneta TRIVIĆ                                      

Equivalencias traductológicas de ciertas locuciones del español y del serbio contemporáneo ….....p.219


Nihal YETKIN                                       

A case study on the humorous load differences and cognitive effects of satirically /ironically humorous elements in subtitling from English into Turkish.................................................p.239



Teodora POPESCU                              

Udaya Narayana Singh, Translation as growth: Towards a theory of language development. New Dehli: Pearson Education, 2010. Pp. ix + 231. ISBN 978 81 317 3086......................p.255


NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS…………………………………………............…….................................p.261


EDITORIAL PROCEDURE………………………………………………………….........................................p.267