The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE
Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 din Alba Iulia
Marlena Iwona BIELAK Selected elements of knowledge transfer and teachers’ communicative behaviours in the perspective of the trispherical model of beauty: the case of the Polish high school classroom.………………...……………p.7
Zsuzsanna DÉGI Teachers’ beliefs regarding non-target language use in the EFL classroom............................................p.19
Georgia GAVRIILIDOU and Ioanna KOPSIDOU Teaching a foreign/second language in a multicultural classroom: a graded proposal for the level of basic user (A1/A2 Erasmus intensive language course)...……........................................................................…..p.31
Zhivka ILIEVA Approaches in the education of young learners’ foreign language teachers...................................……..p.47
Elzbieta JENDRYCH Multidisciplinary approach to postgraduate teacher education – case study.……....................................p.65
Mariana-Rodica PIOARIU Developments in the Romanian-American intercultural dialogue before and after the World War II.......p.77
Teodora POPESCU Conceptualisation of companies in English and Romanian business journalese.……..…………….…….p.89
Jelena PRTLJAGA, Aleksandra GOJKOV RAJIC and Radmila PALINKASEVIC Culture specific features: epistemological senses of English and German modal verbs and their Serbian equivalents…………..........................................................................................................................................p.111
Coralia TELEA Sur la motivation de l’apprentissage du roumain comme langue étrangère..............................................p.123
Mahmood YENKIMALEKI Stepping into others’ shoes: the readership taste in translation…….…………..........................................p.139
BOOK REVIEWCrina HERȚEG Alcina Sousa and Ingrid Cíbiková, A stylistic approach to canon breaking texts, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, 2016, pp. 1-197. ISBN 978-80-8105-800-4……………………………….............................…p.151
NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS…………………………………………................…p.155
EDITORIAL PROCEDURE……………….………………………….…..................p.161