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The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE
JoLIE 2/ 2009 No.2 Special Issue: Humour that divides; humour that unites


Alcina SOUSA, Aline BAZENGA and Luisa Marinho ANTUNES

Crosscultural humour: "Humour that divides; humour that unites". An introduction..........................p.9


Maria Elisete ALMEIDA        

O riso: Medium entre o grito e o apelo - em La Chute de Albert Camus.............................................p.13

Luísa Marinho ANTUNES      

Visões críticas do "nós": O jogo divertido da imagem nacional..........................................................p.21


Aline BAZENGA and Luísa Marinho ANTUNES

Tem mas não há: Sorrir em Timor.....................................................................................................p.33

Bernard BOSREDON             

Comment l"esprit vient-il aux titres de peinture? L"experience magrittienne ....................................p.43


Laura Fernanda BULGER      

"We are no longer mega" in England, England by Julian Barnes .....................................................p.51


Caterina CALAFAT                

Encore quelque chose à déclarer.........................................................................................................p.59


Telmo Corujo dos REIS         

Jerónimo Cardoso e o humor dos humanistas.........................................................................................p.67

Paulo Alexandre e CASTRO   

De Borat e Bush: Sub-versões humorísticas e humor subversivo em torno da realidade ...................p.75


Anne Martina EMONTS           

Humour versus domination: Mechtilde Lichnowsky, a female knight against windmills? .................p.85


Isabel ERMIDA                       

Together or apart: Targeting, offence and group dynamics in humour ..................................................p.93


Christine ESCALLIER             

Pédagogie et humour. Le rire comme moyen de construction d"un public attentif d"une salle de classe..................................................................................................................................p.105

Anne HOYER                          

National identity in a popular Scottish comic.......................................................................................p.115

Hanae KATAYAMA                 

A cross-cultural analysis of humour in stand-up comedy in the United States and Japan ......................p.125

Minh Ha LO CICERO              

L"humour: reflet de la culture d"un peuple. L"exemple de la littérature populaire vietnamienne..............p.143

Donatella LOMBELLO             

La nascita e lo sviluppo della letteratura moderna per l"infanzia. Libri di testo e letteratura per l"infanzia nell"Ottocento in Italia: il Giannetto e il Giannettino..................................................................................p.153

Agostinho LOPES                  

O obra de Fernão Ornelas vista pelo Re - Nhau - Nhau: 1935 - 1946..................................................p.165

Paula LÓPEZ RÚA                   

Code mixing and word-formation as sources of humour: Some evidence from alternative music...........p.179

Daniela MARCHESCHI           

The tradition of humour: "Humourism" in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe ...........................p.187

John McRae                           

"THE SQUINTASENSE OF SATIETY": Corruption and comic cure in Humphry Clinker ..........................p.201

Joaquim PINHEIRO               

O efeito retórico das histórias anedóticas na biopsicografia de Plutarco...........................................p.213

Sírio POSSENTI                      

O humor é universal................................................................................................................................p.221


Anyone up for a good laugh? The humour that unites vs. the university that divides......................p.231



L"homophonie, un grand ressort de l"humour français.............................................................p.241

Ana Salgueiro RODRIGUES     

O riso de Deus e o riso do homem na ficção de G.T. Didial.......................................................p.255

Ria SNELLINX                            

Humour that divides, humour that unites. American sitcoms: A case in point............................p.267

Alcina SOUSA                           

Adrian strikes back with style and humour.................................................................................p.277



Teodora POPESCU                  

Neal R. Norrick and Delia Chiaro, Eds., Humor in Interaction, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2009. Pp. xvii + 238. ISBN 978 90 272 8933 9 .........................................................p.293

NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS...................................................................................................p.297

EDITORIAL PROCEDURE........................................................................................................p.305